Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Science, SPHE


To celebrate National Strawberry Week, the children in 2nd & 3rd Class made smoothies!  We talked about various fruits that people eat as part of their 5 a day!  The children then got to choose their fruit and make their own smoothies!

The ingredients provided were mango, bananas, pineapple and of course strawberries!  We mixed the fruit with some natural yoghurt and some orange juice and then blended it altogether to make our smoothies.  While the children were waiting to make their smoothies, they created their own recipe book, full of delicious combinations of fruit, so they can try them at home with their mums or dads!

Here are some photos of the children making the smoothies and of course, enjoying the finished product.  Yum!

Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Science, SPHE |

4 Responses to Smoothies!

  1. Lorna says:

    They look yummy

  2. Lorna says:

    I really enjoyed my smoothie. It was fun making them. Will.

  3. Davina says:

    The smoothies look lovely-I’ll have to get the recipe off you as strawberries are one of my favourite fruits!

  4. Rev Patrick says:

    Such smooth operators … sorry, I couldn’t resist!

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