Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts

Knitting in Wandesforde National School!

Over the past number of weeks, Frances Bradley has been teaching the children in 1st-6th class to knit!  This fun activity incorporates the fabric and fibre strand of the visual arts curriculum.  The children have really enjoyed having Frances in the classroom.  Mrs. Dooley helped the children also.  Thank you both very much!  Have a look at our photos!






Category Blog, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

3 Responses to Knitting in Wandesforde National School!

  1. Lorna says:

    Great photos and great expressions of concentration on those faces 😉

  2. Davina says:

    Thank you Frances for all your hard work and patience in teaching the children how to knit. I know the children in my classroom have really enjoyed it! On a personal note, knitting was the one thing I really enjoyed doing when I was in school and I was so glad my teacher had the patience and willpower to teach it to a classroom full of children!

  3. Anna says:

    Jessie particularly enjoyed doing the knitting. I even found her in her bed the other morning knitting when she was suppose to be getting ready for school. Glad that they are still teaching children these skills. Thanks Frances also. 🙂

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