Category Blog, Class Work, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom

Local History comes to life in the Senior Room

The 100th Anniversary of the Coolbawn Ambush happens on June 18th 2021.

This event occurred near the end of the War of Independence and resulted in the deaths of Sean Hartley (Glenmore)  and Nicholas Mullins (Thomastown) who were IRA volunteers.  The ambush location is marked at the side of the N78, north of Castlecomer.
The senior class in all the primary schools in the locality were invited to submit a project or presentation on an aspect of the ambush which will be put on public display in Castlecomer Library. Check out the work 5th and 6th class completed on this topic below.

Category Blog, Class Work, History, Our Work on Display, Senior Classroom |

2 Responses to Local History comes to life in the Senior Room

  1. Susan Peavoy says:

    These are fantastic 5th and 6th! Well done to you all for your beautiful paintings and work on this project! I’m sure lots of people will be delighted to see it on display in the library. Well done to Ms. Tyrrell for her help with this project too! You should all be very proud of your efforts! 🙂

  2. Davina says:

    Great work 5th & 6th Class & Ms Tyrell! Lovely to see some local history come to life in your beautiful pictures. A lovely idea for local schools to take part in together. Enjoy your well deserved Summer Holidays & Best of Luck to all of 6th Class as they move on to secondary school 🙂

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