Category Blog, Junior Classroom

We have started school!

On Wednesday, 29th August, the Junior Classroom was delighted to welcome 12 Junior Infants to our school!

Take a look at their first picture together!

 We look forward to keeping you posted on their progress!

Category Blog, Junior Classroom |

5 Responses to We have started school!

  1. Lorna says:

    Welcome to all the Junior Infants, I could scarcely believe that Will and Kate had even been that small when I saw all the Juniors last week 🙂 although I’m sure they all feel very big to be going to ‘big school’.

  2. olga kerr says:

    lovely picture of all the junior infants,,they all look gorgeous and grown up in their lovely uniforms. hope they have lots of good times inwandesforde ns.

  3. Davina says:

    Thanks Olga & Lorna for your lovely comments. The Junior Infants will be delighted when I read your comments out to them-they’ll feel very important & a little bit famous I’m sure 🙂

  4. Jan says:

    Wishing you all the best of times at Wandesforde, you are all gorgeous !!!:)

  5. Susan Dennehy says:

    The Junior Infants look very smart in their uniforms. You are all very welcome to Wandesforde NS!

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