Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Science, Senior Classroom

Science Workshop this September!

On Friday, 18th September, Michael Moylan from the Heritage in Schools Scheme visited our school to engage the children in an Interactive Science Workshop. All classes participated in the workshop which explored the 3 areas of Science, they being Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

The pictures below show the children actively engaging in all the experiments and activities on the day!


Thank you to Michael for a fantastic science workshop which the children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed. We look forward to welcoming Michael back again to our school for future workshops through the Heritage Council!

Category Blog, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Science, Senior Classroom |

3 Responses to Science Workshop this September!

  1. Bob Murphy says:

    Amazing they got a science class in junior infants.

  2. Michele Morris says:

    I can’t believe it took the post to find out they had a Science day in school. Rico kept that quiet. It looks brilliant fun. Well done!

  3. Davina Wilson says:

    Thank You Bob and Michelle for posting a comment. Junior & Senior Infants were delighted to see 2 messages on this post 🙂

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