Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Physical Education

Eggstra Special P.E. in the Infant Classroom!

On Wednesday, 13th April, the Infant Classroom had an eggstra special  P.E. lesson to celebrate Easter!

Here are some photos of the Egg & Spoon Relay!

We had to be very careful not to drop the egg!


There were also hens laying their eggs in the Wandesforde Hall!


At the end of our P.E. Lesson, we played a Co-operative Game called “Rotten Egg!”. The children had to pass the egg over their head to the next person without dropping it! It was great to see the children working together as a team! 


Category Blog, Easter, Junior Classroom, Physical Education |

One Response to Eggstra Special P.E. in the Infant Classroom!

  1. Lorna Sixsmith says:

    That looks great fun!

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