Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts

Autumn Activities!

October has been a busy month in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class in Wandesforde National School!  We have been focusing on the theme of Autumn and as part of this activity, we made Autumn books.  In these books are lots of activities such as Wordsearches, Art, Stories and an Autumn Trail!

In Art, we made collages of “Autumn Owls sitting on their Branches”…

We also made “Hibernating Hedgehogs” and used a special technique with our paintbrushes to create their spikes!

In Maths, 1st and 2nd Class pupils are learning about 2d shapes.  They had to create pictures using only 2d shapes.  Look at their wonderful pictures.  There are animals, warriors, houses, machines and lots more…

In 2nd Class, the children had to follow the instructions to make a banana milkshake.  They had great fun mixing, chopping and of course tasting!  The whole class got to taste the finished product!




Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Mathematics, Middle Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

2 Responses to Autumn Activities!

  1. Pearl Griffith says:

    This all looks like great fun! I’d love some banana milkshake! Yum yum!

  2. Majella Sherwood says:

    well done everyone it looks yummy!!

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