Marvellous March in the Junior Room!
March has been another busy month in the Junior Room. In play we learned all about the hospital. Here we are making hospital related items from junk art, role playing in the hospital and making our own wards in the small world area.
We also made our own x-rays, Junior Infants learned the letter ‘x’ this month and we looked at real x-rays from a hospital.
In S.E.S.E. we discussed the instruments a doctor uses in hospital and completed worksheets about this.
As it’s Spring now we looked at the blackbird, watched a video of an adult feeding chicks and listened to their song. We then made life cycle diagrams for a blackbird.
To celebrate St Patrick’s Day we made bright green shamrocks from matchsticks, paper, fabric and buttons, then we attached rainbow colours underneath.
Easter is here and we learned all about the Easter Story in Religion. We created our own hills with 3 crosses to represent the story and painted in sunsets behind.
As well as remembering the Easter Story we also like to eat Easter Eggs and we used all we’ve learned in Maths to create colourful patterns on Easter Eggs. We used pom poms gripped by clothes pegs to do this!
Senior Infants have been busy learning all about the number 9 in Maths and Junior Infants the number 5 and did lots of work around these numbers.
At the beginning of the month we went outdoors and practiced writing the numbers 4 and 8 with chalk.
Senior Infants were busy learning new tricky words too and practiced writing them on mats as well as making the word from play dough.
In P.E. we learned some simple orienteering skills and coloured in animal cards at different stations around the hall.
We were delighted to welcome Claire Caron to our school, Claire taught us how to make eggcups and vases from clay.