
Science is taught as part of SESE (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education) and is integrated with geography and history. We enjoy doing experiments with the children and sometimes we participate in science workshops such as the “Discover Science” programme in the Discovery Park in Castlecomer.

Spring Fun in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 12th April 2022 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Drama, Drama, Easter, English, Funky Kids, Geography, Irish, Middle Classroom, Music, Religious Education, Science, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

What a busy term it has been in our school! The children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class have worked so hard over the past few weeks. Have a look at what we have been up to!

Signs of Spring have been popping up everywhere and we wrote about these signs in Science and Geography!

We were very lucky to have Willie, Eddie and Alan from the local Fire Brigade visit us to talk about fire safety in the home. The children had to complete a checklist at home ensuring they are following safety guidelines in the case of an emergency.

To mark Engineers’ Week, we were very lucky to attend the local library where Karyn read a story called “Rosie Revere, Engineer” to us all. We then had to make helicopters using paper and paperclips. The children tried out different ways of making their helicopters fly faster and slower and had so much fun!

We had fun making St.Patrick’s Day art and craft…..

We dressed up in in green to raise money for those affected by war in the Ukraine.

In Gaeilge, we were learning about “Sa Bhaile” and learned a poem called “Mo Chaitín”.

To celebrate all those lovely women in our lives and to mark Mothering Sunday, we made paper bouquets and bookmarks.

We worked hard on projects over the past number of weeks and the children did an amazing job researching and presenting a topic of their choice to their classmates! Topics included Dinosaurs, Visionary Women around the World, Horses, Imaginext, Farming, Cooking & Baking, Cats, Tigers, The Solar System and so much more!

To celebrate Easter, we read and learned about the Easter Story. The children completed pictures for the Bishop’s Art Competition based on the theme of “Hope”. Here are some of their wonderful entries…..

We read a story called “Lovejoy’s Song.” It is based on the Easter Story from the viewpoint of a bird and drew pictures….

We created some lovely Easter art….

The children received a treat box filled with eggs….

We wrote super Easter Acrostic Poems in English……

The children designed super book covers for the book fair held in our school………..

We had the Funky Kids Show on 31st March after ten weeks of singing and dancing with Denis and Olivia. Each child was a superstar on the day! Well done boys and girls!

On the last day of term, the 3rd class who have been working with Mrs. Joyce on Minecraft Maps and designing islands, presented their work to the children in 1st and 2nd class. It was great to see how their ideas were transformed from an idea on a piece of paper to a computerised drawing! Well done boys and girls and thank you Mrs. Joyce!

Happy Easter to you all! Well done on a great term’s work everybody!

Date posted: 12th April 2022 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, Drama, Drama, Easter, English, Funky Kids, Geography, Irish, Middle Classroom, Music, Religious Education, Science, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

Spring has Sprung in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 11th April 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Funky Kids, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

Junior and Senior Infants have been as busy as ever in the last few weeks. In play we learned all about The Farm. We had fun making animals in Play Doh, planning and making farms in the Sand and Small World. We also made items in Junk Art and went outside to create farms as well as building barns in Construction.

Making farm houses in Junk Art
Creating nests and homes for farm animals in Junk Art.
Building barns in Construction
Building farms outdoors
Making puzzles based on farms.

We learned lots in SESE about the season of Spring and various things which happen during this time of year. We read books and watched videos learning about this season and wrote some things which happen in Spring.

We learned about the Life Cycle of Chicks and made life cycle pictures.

We read the stroy “What the Ladybird Heard” which takes place on a farm and mapped the route the thieves took on the farm.

We also went on a nature walk to Castlecomer Discovery Park and spotted some signs of Spring. After we had some fun exploring and playing in the playground.

For Mother’s Day we made finger paintings and poems for our mums.

Junior Infants continue to learn their numbers in Maths and made Number 5 pictures.

In English we learned a Spring rhyme about daffodils drew illustrations to go with it.

We went outdoors and used chalk to practice sounding out and writing different words associated with farming.

In Art and RE we learned the story of Easter and created paintings based on this story.

Also in Art we created colourful St Patrick’s Day rainbows and shamrocks.

Finally, after 10 weeks of fun playing games, learning songs and creating costumes it was time to perform our Funky Kids Show! The pupils had a great day performing and watching their friends in other classes performing too.

Date posted: 11th April 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, Easter, English, Funky Kids, Geography, Junior Classroom, Local Visits, Mathematics, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

A New Year begins in the Junior Room

Date posted: 26th February 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, History, Irish, Junior Classroom, Music, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

A new year has brought lots of new fun and learning to the Junior Room. We continue to learn our sounds and tricky words in English, doing lots of activities and games around this work.

We made New Years Resolutions and designed colourful 2022 signs.

Our play topic was The Weather, we made items in Play Doh and Junk Art as well as Construction.

Thunder and Lightening from Hexisnaps
and blocks!
Clouds and Lightening from Play Doh
Making umbrellas and hats to protect us from the weather

Also in play we learned all about The Zoo. We discussed the animals there, people who work there and different areas around the zoo such as aquariums and the aviary. We made animals in Play Doh and Junk Art, made a zoo in the Sand and Small World as well as Construction.

February 1st was St Brigid’s Day and we made cloaks for St Brigid in Art after learning all about her life in RE.

In Art we made colourful umbrellas and to celebrate Valentine’s Day we created Valentine’s Love Birds for our loved ones.

We also had fun creating our own windmills to see how fast the wind was blowing in Castlecomer!

In SESE we learned all about toys from now and in the past. We also drew our favourite outdoor and indoor toys.

Also in SESE we learned all about forces and found out which items we move by pushing and pulling.

Finally we learned all about Ireland and different places in Ireland focusing on the city of Dublin and landmarks there. We also looked at local landmarks and drew a local landmark, Kilkenny Castle as well as noting buildings in our local town, Castlecomer.

We also listened to Winter by Vivaldi in Music and drew some pictures of what we imagined as we listened.

In Gaeilge we listened to the story of Cochaillín Dearg and learned all about the topic of Eadaí creating our own Líne Eadaí.

Well done to all the children on their hard work in January and February!

Date posted: 26th February 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, History, Irish, Junior Classroom, Music, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

A Great Start to 2022 in the Middle Room!

Date posted: 24th February 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Irish, Local Visits, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

The boys and girls in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class have begun 2022 with gusto! We discussed all the good things we are going to try to do this year…We are going to reach for the stars!

We wrote about what we got up to over the Christmas break in our English class…

We painted beautiful, colourful art and displayed our pictures on our classroom walls.

In Gaeilge, we learned all about “An Aimsir” and even had the opportunity to say a poem “Bogha Báistí” in our school assembly in January.

We created “Hand-Print Parrots” in art also…

We read about St. Brigid’s Day on 1st February…

To mark St. Valentine’s Day, we made collage hearts for our loved ones and cards too!

In SESE, we looked at the topic of “Water” for 3 weeks. We designed boats using recycled materials. The children did a super job!

The children then tested their creations in a bath of water to see if they floated!

We wrote an acrostic poem about ways to conserve water….

We used metallic colours to make fish tanks…

In Geography, we studied “Habitats” with a focus on the habitats in and around our school environment. We went for a walk through the woodland and river near our school and the children took lots of photos using tablets. It was great fun!

The children spotted colourful plants, mini-beasts and so many other things!

We then drew various habitats that exist locally, nationally and internationally.

Well done on all your hard work boys and girls!

Date posted: 24th February 2022 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Irish, Local Visits, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

Jingle all the Way in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 24th December 2021 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

The children in the Junior Room were learning lots of new things during November and December. We were busy in play learning about houses and homes and Santa’s Workshop.

Building an Apartment Block in Construction
Building houses in Small World
Creating Santa’s Workshop in Sand
Making items in Junk Art
More items in Junk Art
Completing puzzles and writing activities on Santa’s Workshop
Building a sleigh for Santa!
Building Santa’s Workshop in Small World
Wrapping gifts and packing them for Santa in the Role Play area

In SESE we were excited to welcome Heritage Expert Frankie to our school. We had great fun examining old artifacts and learning about life long ago.

We also explored the topic of homes and sequenced the story of The Three Little Pigs.

We discussed our journey to school and recorded three places we each pass on our journeys to school each day.

As we are now in the season of Winter we learned lots of things which happen at this time of year, learning how the trees are bare, days are shorter and the weather colder. We wrote sentences and drew pictures of this time of year.

We also learned about what happens water in Winter, freezing to ice when cold. We carried out an experiment to see where ice melted fastest in our classroom.

Finally in SESE we learned all about penguins including the names of different kinds of penguins, where they live and what they eat.

In RE we learned about the season of Advent, we created our own Advent Wreath lighting a new candle each week in the countdown to Christmas. We also learned all about the story of the birth of Jesus.

Finally in Art we made houses using fabrics as well as lots of colourful art for Christmas including Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Christmas Baubles and Winter Robins.

Creating houses using fabric

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Date posted: 24th December 2021 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |