• Religious Education

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) is taught to all classes. We use the “Follow Me” series. Each week we have an assembly which is delivered by one of the class teachers. At Assembly, the star of the week is annouced to all children. It is a very exciting time. On a Friday, Canon Thomas Sherlock, our rector, comes into the school and teaches RE to 4th, 5th and 6th class children.

Magnificent May Work!

Date posted: 30th May 2014 | Category Blog, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

We have certainly been busy during May in 4th, 5th and 6th Class. As always the boys and girls have worked really hard and produced great work!

In maths we learned all about 3D shapes and made our own 3D shapes. As well as making pyramids, prisms, cubes and cuboids some pupils made dodecahedrons which have 12 sides and isohedrons which have 20 sides!

In science we learned all about minibeasts. We wrote up information on lots of different minibeasts and illustrated our work.

In art we created our own minibeasts, weren’t the pupils creative?!

We also went on a minibeast hunt around the school grounds. We know that minibeasts are found on the underside of leaves, under stones, in the cracks of walls ,in leaf litter under trees and flying about in the air.



Lots of creatures were spotted and we marked them off on the sheets we had.

In science we also learned about flowers looking at the different parts of flowers and the functions of each part. We labelled flowers to show their different parts.

In art we created colourful prints using our rubber printers and stampers. We also painted tropical fish using bright metallic paints and cotton buds for the fish.






Dawn Chorus Day took place on May 18th and we learned all about the Dawn Chorus in assembly. Did you know that some birds sing very early at about 4am but some only wake at 6am to join in!

Date posted: 30th May 2014 | Category Blog, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

Happy Easter Everyone!

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Category Basketball, Blog, Class Work, Easter, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

Another month is nearly over and once again the Junior Classroom have been busy little bees!!

In Art, the children had fun rolling up crepe paper into balls to create their very own Cherry Blossom. Did you know that the Cherry Blossom originally came from Japan?

As part of the Maths Curriculum, the children played their own Numbers Game called “Daffodil Drive” in pairs.

In Music, the children drew pictures in response to “Dance of the Flowers” by Tchaikovsky.

We have some budding artists in the Junior Room as you can see from their detailed drawings 🙂

We also have been learning how to play basketball with Joe Byrne. Thank You Joe for all the fun, skills and games each week. The children really enjoyed it!

In R.E. the children drew their own pictures for the Bishop’s Poster Competition based on the theme of “Bringing Hope”

In celebration of Easter, the children designed their own polystyrene eggs and …..

they also made their own cute & colourful Easter Chicks!

Finally as an end of term treat, the children welcomed a new member, Sally, into their school for the day!

The children really enjoyed  petting the baby lamb.

Thank you to Derry and Jackie Neale for giving the children the opportunity to meet & greet Sally!!

Well done to all the children again for all their enthusiasm and hard work this month. Enjoy the well deserved Easter Break everyone and I’ll see you all in the Summer Term!!

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Category Basketball, Blog, Class Work, Easter, Junior Classroom, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

March Madness!

Date posted: 6th April 2014 | Category Blog, Class Work, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

The Junior Classroom have once again had a busy month. In Art, the children designed their own kite and learned the words of the well known song “Let’s go fly a Kite” to support their beautiful artwork!

In History, the children listened to stories based on the life of Saint Patrick. They then made their own Irish Leprauchauns in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day!

We learned about the different types of Homes around us in Geography and the children had great fun designing a house they would like to build some day! I think we have some potential architects/builders in our midst!!

As we are well into Spring, the children enjoyed learning about all the different aspects of Spring. They made their own Spring Books to show what they had learned.

Finally, we celebrated Mothering Sunday at the end of March so the children made their own clay tealight holder to say a big thank you to their loved ones!

Well done Junior Classroom for all your best efforts again this month 🙂

Date posted: 6th April 2014 | Category Blog, Class Work, Geography, History, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Visual Arts |

A busy start to the new year in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!

Date posted: 3rd February 2014 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

Welcome back to everybody!  It certainly has been a busy month for us and the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class have worked very hard in all areas over the past few weeks!  In Science and Geography, we have been learning about the Winter and have integrated lots of work around this cold season.  The children in 1st and 2nd designed “Warm Winter Outfits” in Art, using lots of fabric and fibre!

All the pupils created “Snowy Scenes” to depict the ice and frost that is associated with Winter….

We created “Sock Snowmen” and decorated them with felt for their noses and we also learned to plait a scarf for them!  The children did very well!

In Religious Education, the children learned about Abraham, the Father of many nations.  To illustrate this story, we each decorated 3 stars with our mum’s and dad’s name and our own to show how many people are descendants of Abraham!

In English, we read a poem called “The Marrog” and drew our interpretations of what this strange creature, who sits at the back of the classroom, looks like.  Each drawing is very different as you can see!

And finally, in Science, the 1st and 2nd class were learning about paper, its uses amd how it is made.  We decided to make “Origami Dogs” and decorate them.  Well done boys and girls on all your hard work during the month of January!

Date posted: 3rd February 2014 | Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Middle Classroom, Religious Education, Science, Visual Arts |

Happy Christmas from the Junior Classroom!

Date posted: 1st January 2014 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |

During December, the children in the Junior Classroom have been busy preparing for Christmas!

Here are some pictures of our festive preparations!

We posted our letters to Santa in the Post Office 🙂

Look at all the very happy and excited faces in the Junior Classroom!

We had great fun decorating our classroom for Christmas. The children coloured in their Christmas Stocking which we hung around our Classroom Christmas Tree!

We made our own Snowmen using cotton wool!

In Religion, we all drew a different picture of what makes Christmas so special. Amongst these pictures, there is a picture of Santa, a candy cane, presents, a Christmas Tree and above all, there are pictures of the most important part of Christmas-Baby Jesus.

In Art, we made our own little elves out of paper plates. Aren’t they very cute!!


Finally, before our Christmas Holidays, we had a special visit from Santa Claus! We all had a great Christmas Party with our family and friends in school!

Thank you Junior & Senior Infants for all you hard work once again this month! I hope you all have a very Happy Christmas!

See you all in 2014 🙂

Date posted: 1st January 2014 | Category Blog, Christmas, Class Work, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Special Occasions, Visual Arts |