Science Experiments!

The senior classes have been learning lots of new information in science in the past few weeks. We looked at electric circuits and discovered how they work. We also looked at forces and fulcrums. We did experiments to see how things can balance in various ways. Here you can see that one coin can balance…

Art Work with 4th, 5th and 6th Class

In art we have created lots of beautiful work in January and February. We designed wonderful stained glass windows. We used tin foil, tracing paper and glitter to create these frosty winter branches.   In music we listened to The Snow is Dancing by Debussy and drew these pictures, inspired by the music.

2nd & 3rd Class Work…

The children in 2nd & 3rd class have been learning about the human body over the past few weeks.  As well as learning the names of various bones in the body, they got the opportunity to see inside the human body and learn about the functions of various organs such as the heart and lungs.  Above you…