May Madness in the Middle Room!

The school year is certainly flying by and May has been so busy, after returning from the Easter Break.  When we came back, the children put their wonderful painting skills to work and painted their happy memories from the Easter Holidays… In Literacy, we wrote a report about the events that filled our break! In…

Our School Tour this May!!

Once again we have come to that time of year again for our Annual School Tour! This year the whole school will travel together to the Irish Heritage Park in Ferrycarraig, Co. Wexford on Thursday, 29th May 2014. On this day, the children will have a guided tour of the Heritage Park as well as participate…

March Madness!

The Junior Classroom have once again had a busy month. In Art, the children designed their own kite and learned the words of the well known song “Let’s go fly a Kite” to support their beautiful artwork! In History, the children listened to stories based on the life of Saint Patrick. They then made their own…

Marvellous March!

As always we have been working very hard in the Senior Room during the month of March. We’ve completed lots of work in different areas. In English we finished reading our novel ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’ by Marita Conlon-McKenna. We really enjoyed it as it was based during The Great Famine, a topic we also…

A Fun-Filled February!

February has certainly been a very busy month for all the pupils in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!  We started this month off by doing lots of research into the “Winter Olympics”, which happen every 4 years.  This year the games were held in Russia.  We all did a bit of research and learned about…