November in the Senior Room

Another month has flown by in 4th, 5th & 6th Class. We have been busy working in lots of different areas. In Art we made our own clay pencil holders  and painted them bright colours.  We also made colourful reflective pictures. In Gaeilge we listened to instructions in Irish and drew pictures based on the…

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November News in the Middle Room!

Winter is certainly here and the children have had a busy month in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!  In Literacy, the children wrote their own shape poems about Winter.  They used snowmen and snowflake templates to create their wintery poems! In History, we learned about the Totem Pole and the significance of the carvings on beautiful…

We have Started School!!

This September, we welcomed 10 Junior Infants into the Junior Classroom. They have all settled very well into “big” school! Senior Infants have also settled in well to their new class! During the month, the children have enjoyed getting to know each other and also  learning new things! In Art, the children made their own…

September Fun in the Senior Room

We have all settled back into school and completed lots of work in different subjects this month. The pupils wrote great accounts of their summer holidays and reading them it certainly seems everyone enjoyed a lovely break in July and August! In art we studied the artist Vincent Van Gogh and painted our own versions…

Summertime Fun in the Junior Classroom!

Both May and June have been very busy months for Junior and Senior Infants. We started off the theme of summer by making our own Beautiful Butterflies using metallic and pearlescent paints!!            In English, the children enjoyed listening and responding to a selection of fairytales. Didn’t they do a great job drawing their favourite…