• English


English is taught to all children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. Oral language, reading and writing are all encouraged and promoted throughout the school. The child’s reading and writing experience in school can contribute greatly to their cognitive, emotional and imaginative development. The children love to write stories, complete projects and post their blogs on the school website.

Local Author, David Donohue visits Wandesforde School!

Date posted: 24th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Special Occasions |

On Friday, 23rd March 2012, local author, David Donohue visited our school as part of the Writer’s in School Scheme to promote literacy in schools. Over the past few weeks the children have been busy reading and listening to his novels: Walter Speazlebud, Alien Timebomb and Moon Man.

The children really enjoyed David’s storytelling workshop and of course the highlight of the workshop was spelling words backwards for David and also hearing David say their own names backwards!!

Many children received their own cerificate for spelling backwards from David.

Thank you to David for also presenting the star book token to the winners of the In-School Art Competition. It made the children’s day to have their full name called out backwards as well as receive an award from a well known author!!

Date posted: 24th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Special Occasions |

Book Week In-School Art Competition!

Date posted: 24th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

As part of Book Week 2012 in Wandesforde National School, the children participated in an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. This year the theme was “One World Many Stories”. The children’s completed artwork is on display in the Assembly Hall for parents to see at the Book Fair! Once again you’ll see that the standard of art is very impressive so well done to all the children!

The winners were presented with their star book token by our visiting author, David Donohue. They can now use the token to get a free book from the Book Fair. Congratulations to you all!


Here are their winning entries!

Junior Infants : Alex Roe

Senior Infants: Abbey Neale

First Class: Jayde Wilson

Second Class: Ashley Kerr

Third Class: Daniel Neale

Fourth Class: Liam Fennell

Fifth Class: Karen Lucas

Sixth Class: Kyle Wilson

The following are each classroom’s competition entries on display!

Junior Classroom

Middle Classroom

Senior Classroom

Date posted: 24th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, Class Work, English, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom, Visual Arts |

Book Fair at Wandesforde National School!

Date posted: 7th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, English |

The school will host their Annual Book Fair from Thursday, 22nd March until Tuesday, 27th March inclusive. On these days the Book Fair will be open to children and parents from 9:10-10a.m and 2-3pm each day. We look forward to your continued support of our Book Fair as the school will once again receive 60% book commission of all money raised.

In preparation for the Book Fair, there will be an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books entitled, “One World Many Stories”. All entries as well as the winning entries from each class will be on display in the Assembly Room for all parents to see during the Book Fair!

On Friday, 23rd March, David Donohue, a local author will visit our school to further promote the importance of books and storytelling. The children will engage in storytelling workshops with David on this day.

We will keep you posted on all the events happening in our school during the Book Fair through our website so keep in touch!!

Date posted: 7th March 2012 | Category Blog, Book Week, English |

February has been Fun in the Junior Room!

Date posted: 5th March 2012 | Category Blog, English, Geography, History, Irish, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Science, SPHE |

We remembered St. Brigid’s Day at the start of February and the children had great fun designing St. Brigid’s Cloak using coloured mosaics!

In SESE, the children have been learning about Water. We had great fun learning about the Water Cycle and we learned a poem called “Splish Splosh” The children drew lovely pictures to illustrate this poem. Take a look at their drawings below!

The children in First Class wrote a character description of the characters in the fairytale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

In Gaeilge, the children learned all about “An Teilifís” and drew their favourite television programme or cartoon!


In SPHE, the children learned all about  our emotions and as an art activity they designed a paper plate puppet which has a two sided face displaying two different emotions. Look at their emotional puppets!

In English, the children have been busy learning their February “WOW” words which is part of the school’s strategy in further developing literacy in our school!

The children also listened to the story of Elmer the Elephant and they designed their own patterned coat for Elmer using rolled up crepe paper too!


Well done to the Junior Room on all your lovely work this February!!

Date posted: 5th March 2012 | Category Blog, English, Geography, History, Irish, Junior Classroom, Religious Education, Science, SPHE |

Hinky Pinkies!

Date posted: 21st February 2012 | Category Blog, English, Senior Classroom |

Recently 4th, 5th and 6th class have been learning about Hinky Pinkies in English. A hinky pinky is a clue and the answer to this clue will rhyme, e.g. A bitter bloom = sour flower. We have been solving a few riddles at the beginning of English lessons for the past few weeks and on Monday made up some of our own. Here are a few of the hinky pinkies we made, see how many you can solve! (You can leave suggestions in the comments section if you like)

hilarious rabbit                                        street frog

crooked mule                                          kid with a jacket

animal fuel                                              puppy in mud

soaking animal                                       not real duck


Date posted: 21st February 2012 | Category Blog, English, Senior Classroom |