Another Successful Book Fair!

Thank you to all the parents, children and staff who supported our Book Fair last week. The total amount of money spent at the Fair was €537.50. As a result of this, the school will receive books to the value of €322 for our classroom libraries! Well done to all!

Book Week In-School Art Competition!

As part of Book Week 2012 in Wandesforde National School, the children participated in an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. This year the theme was “One World Many Stories”. The children’s completed artwork is on display in the Assembly Hall for parents to see at the Book Fair! Once again you’ll see that…

Book Fair at Wandesforde National School!

The school will host their Annual Book Fair from Thursday, 22nd March until Tuesday, 27th March inclusive. On these days the Book Fair will be open to children and parents from 9:10-10a.m and 2-3pm each day. We look forward to your continued support of our Book Fair as the school will once again receive 60%…

February has been Fun in the Junior Room!

We remembered St. Brigid’s Day at the start of February and the children had great fun designing St. Brigid’s Cloak using coloured mosaics! In SESE, the children have been learning about Water. We had great fun learning about the Water Cycle and we learned a poem called “Splish Splosh” The children drew lovely pictures to illustrate this…