Here comes the Summer!!

During the month of May, the Junior Classroom have worked very hard in all areas of the curriculum. Following the Easter Break, they drew a picture of some activities they did during their holidays! We welcomed 6 little chicks into the world during the month too! Every day, we watched them grow and at the end…

The Wandesforde Chicks have Arrived!

There has been huge excitement in and around the school following the delivery of 6 eggs from Nore Valley Farm almost 3 weeks ago!  Each day the children have been watching the incubator and waiting patiently to see if the eggs have hatched and the chicks have cracked their way through the shells! On Monday morning,…

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More March Madness !

During March, the whole school celebrated World Book Day on Thursday, 2nd March by dressing up as their favourite character in a nursery rhyme or storybook. Didn’t the children and their parents do a fantastic job once again! Well done to everyone 🙂 In preparation for our Annual Book Fair, the school welcomed local author Martin Brennan…

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Happy Easter from the Middle Room!

Easter has come round very fast and the children in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class have been very busy over the past number of weeks! In Gaeilge, we have been learning all about “An tEarrach” or Spring and wrote a story and learned a poem with lots of Spring flowers mentioned in it.  We also…

March Madness in the Senior Room!

We have had a very busy and productive few weeks in the Senior Room. In Science we read all about various types of rocks and went around the school grounds naming and sketching different rocks. We also learned all about our eyes and ears and labelled diagrams of them. In art we made colourful shamrocks…