School Tour 2018!

We had a great day by the seaside and then bowling on our school tour this year. The Junior and Middle Rooms went to the Hook Lighthouse where we climbed 115 steps to the top! We heard lots of interesting information about why and how the lighthouse was built. Here we are in the Watch…

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Fun and Frolics down on the Farm!

April again has been busy in the Junior Room. Our topic in play this month was the farm. We made farm related items in Junk Art, created a dairy farm in Small World and found farm related items and built a farm in the sand. We also made different farm animals from paper plates, look…

Book Fair visits Wandesforde!

Our annual Book Fair runs from 9th-14th March this year. As part of the week we welcomed author David Donohue to our school. David spoke to all classes about the books he has written and we had great fun hearing him say all our names backwards, just like the character Walter in his book can!…