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Thank You!

A Big Thank You to all who supported our Annual Coffee Morning, Cake and Book Sale! The total amount raised on the day was €1307! Well done & thank you to the staff & children from 3rd-6th Class for all their hard work in preparation for this busy morning 🙂 The money raised will help…

April fun in the Junior Room!

It has been a busy few weeks in the run up to Easter with Junior and Senior Infants. We learned all about the hairdressers in play. Here we are role playing in the Wandesforde Hair Salon, making items from play doh and junk art and building our own mini salons in small world. Ms Power…

Spring has sprung in the Junior Room!

Junior & Senior Infants learned lots about the season of Spring this month. In play we discovered all about Spring weather, baby animals which are born and plants and flowers that grow. We also created our own Spring Garden in our classroom with daffodils, snowdrops, primroses and hyacinths. In Art we made St Patrick’s Day…