
We have a lot of sports equipment in our school. Some days when it is dry and sunny we take out the skittles and soft bowling ball and play games of bowling and skittles.  It’s a lot of fun. I enjoy playing it with my friends. By Clive


We have hurls in our school as well as helmets and lots of sliotars. Brian O Ni Brien coems in to our school every second year to teach us hurling.  He teaches us skills, how to hit it and how to pick up the sliotar.   We play games after we practise our skills and hitting…

Dodge Ball

Dodgeball is great fun. We have to try and hit the people on the other team with the ball but the difficult bit is it has to be under their knees. If you are hit under the knee, you have to go to jail behind the other team. To get out of jail, you have…