
Welcome to the Blog Section of the website. This is the part of the site that will be updated most often with photos and stories of recent activities and classwork. We hope you like what you see and please do leave a comment, we like to know what you think of what we are getting up to!

Soccer coaching with Wilson Soccer Coaching

23rd January 2011

The children have enjoyed ten weeks of soccer training with Dwayne Wilson of Wilson Soccer Coaching. They have learnt lots of new skills as well as partaking in good teamwork activities. Many thanks to the Board of Management for treating … Continue reading Read More »

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Third Time Lucky – Aladdin

We got to Aladdin at last! Third time lucky with the first two attempts being foiled by snow and ice. However, it was worth the wait, a tremendous performance with the children thoroughly enjoying the ‘oh no, you don’t’ and … Read More »

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Our Christmas Party

27th December 2010

After our Christmas Carol Service, we all went back to the school. The Parents Association had brought cocktail sausages, sausage rolls, chicken goujons and sandwiches for us and other parents had brought yummy cakes and chocolates. Tom Byrne, chairman of … Read More »

Posted in Blog, Christmas | 2 Comments

Christmas Carol Service

27th December 2010

We are having a very White December in Castlecomer this year but we all made it to our Carol Service. Each Classroom sang a song and lots of parents and grandparents came to the service. Junior Classroom We would like … Read More »

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A RAF pilot visits our school

27th December 2010

On 20th December, Flight Lieutenant David Start visited the Middle Classroom to talk about his job as a pilot in the RAF. David showed us where he works in Wales, the plane he flies (a hawk) and we also all … Read More »

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