Category Blog

What Wonderful Weaving in Wandesforde!

The Junior Classroom have been learning how to weave with Ms. Wilson in the last few weeks.

When the weather was nice, we took our weaving outdoors!


 And when the weather was not so nice, we did our weaving indoors!!

 At the end of 5 weeks of weaving, we have made our very own puppets out of wool!!

                                                       Didn’t they do a fantastic job!





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3 Responses to What Wonderful Weaving in Wandesforde!

  1. Susan Power says:

    Well done to all the children in the Junior classroom, your puppets are amazing!! I was looking at them on display in your room they’re so nice and colourful! Lovely idea Ms Wilson!

  2. Anna says:

    Fabulous 🙂

  3. Davina says:

    Thanks Susan & Anna for your comments! It was definitely one of the quietest art lessons I’ve taught!

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