March Activities in 2nd & 3rd Class!

We have had a very busy month, preparing for Mother’s Day and discussing the topic of Spring!  Here are our Spring paintings!  Paintings include scenes of flowers, new life and also the busy farmers in the fields, ploughing….. For Mother’s Day, the children made flower baskets, with absolutely no help at all!  They used oasis, greenery…

A different kind of Maths Lesson!

    During the month of March, 3rd class children were learning about weight and capacity in their Maths lesson.  On one of the pages, there were questions based on “Emma’s Kitchen” and part of the activity included following a recipe to make Queen Cakes, so that’s exactly what we did! The children weighed out…

Our annual coffee morning and cake sale, organised by 3rd -6th class pupils, will take place on Friday, 30th March 2012 in the school, from 10am – 12pm.  Come along with your friends, family and neighbours.  Treat yourself to some delicious homemade treats and support this worthy cause.  Money raised will go towards the Bishop’s Appeal…