Senior School Tour

Last Thursday May 26th the senior classes, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th went to Baltinglass Outdoor Education Centre for their school tour. We had an amazing day there, despite the weather! We left the school at 8:15 am and arrived at 9:20am. First of all we went and got changed for orienteering. We got a…

Water Birds of Ireland

4th, 5th and 6th Class have been learning all about various water birds which live in Ireland. They read about gannets, cormorants, herring gulls, oystercatchers, dunlins, mute swans, whooper swans and bewick’s swans. They wrote  information about each bird and drew illustrations to go with their work Some of these birds live in Ireland all…

Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day     Mother’s Day was on Sunday April 3rd. Last week 4th, 5th and 6th Class made colourful spring flower pots for their mums.

1916 Rising

  Charles Stewart Parnell 4th, 5th and 6th Class have been learning about the 1916 Easter Rising. Local historian Michael Moylan came in to show us some clothes, weapons and discuss events which took place during the Easter Rising.   We got to look at some of the weapons used during the Rising We also got…