March in 4th, 5th and 6th Class

It was a busy few weeks leading up to Easter. The senior room have learned all about the sinking of the Titanic in history and English. In science we’ve learned about some of the different birds of prey in Ireland and written up our findings. For Mother’s Day we made heart shaped baskets and put a little…

Cake Sale and Coffee Morning

On Friday March 30th, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class held their annual cake sale and coffee morning. This year the funds raised are going to the Bishop’s Appeal and our school tour.  A huge thank you to everyone who baked all the delicious goods! We also had a competition to guess how many eggs…

Hinky Pinkies!

Recently 4th, 5th and 6th class have been learning about Hinky Pinkies in English. A hinky pinky is a clue and the answer to this clue will rhyme, e.g. A bitter bloom = sour flower. We have been solving a few riddles at the beginning of English lessons for the past few weeks and on Monday…

Science Experiments!

The senior classes have been learning lots of new information in science in the past few weeks. We looked at electric circuits and discovered how they work. We also looked at forces and fulcrums. We did experiments to see how things can balance in various ways. Here you can see that one coin can balance…