Author: Susan Power
- by Susan Power
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October with 4th, 5th and 6th Class
We have completed another busy month in the Senior Room. We have been painting Autumn and Hallowe’en themed pictures. Here are our Autumn Leaf Fireworks and Hallowe’en Witches! In English we studied a poem called The Door by Miroslav Holub. We then wrote our own poems called The Door, and displayed…
- by Susan Power
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September in the Senior Room
September has been a busy month in the Senior Room. Since coming back to school we have been working hard in all subjects! Below is some of the work we have done. In history we studied the Greek Legends and Women in History. Here are the pictures we painted of Greek Gods. …
- by Susan Power
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- by Susan Power
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Delicious Soup!
Last week Ms Dennehy’s class and Ms Power’s class went out to the school garden. There we harvested all the vegetables which had been growing over the summer. We got carrots, potatoes and onions! When we went inside 5th and 6th Class prepared the soup for everyone. They peeled, chopped and…