November in the Senior Room

Another month has flown by in 4th, 5th & 6th Class. We have been busy working in lots of different areas. In Art we made our own clay pencil holders  and painted them bright colours.  We also made colourful reflective pictures. In Gaeilge we listened to instructions in Irish and drew pictures based on the…

October in the Senior Room

Another month has flown by in the Senior Room and we have completed lots of work in the various subjects we learn. In English 4th Class read all about the first cars invented and wrote up information about this topic. 5th and 6th Class created comic book strips based on a story they read in…

September Fun in the Senior Room

We have all settled back into school and completed lots of work in different subjects this month. The pupils wrote great accounts of their summer holidays and reading them it certainly seems everyone enjoyed a lovely break in July and August! In art we studied the artist Vincent Van Gogh and painted our own versions…