Cake Sale, Book Sale and Coffee Morning

On Friday March 22nd we held our annual Coffee Morning and Cake Sale and this year 3rd class also had a Book Sale. The event was a great success, we raised €753.24 from the Coffee Morning and Cake Sale and €192.36 from the Book Sale, giving a grand total of €945.60!

The boys and girls worked very hard on the day, here they are in action!

The boys greeted people as they arrived.


 Guess the name of the hen!

Guess how many eggs in the basket!

The girls helped with teas and coffees.

5th and 6th class selling cakes.

A big thank you to all the people who came along to support us on the day, despite the terrible weather!

All the money raised goes towards the cost of the school tour.

A special thank you also to the parents and pupils who baked such wonderful cakes, buns, biscuits and treats  and sent in books for the sale. Your support is much appreciated!