Autumn Activities in 2nd & 3rd Class
We have been very busy in 2nd and 3rd class completing lots of exciting things, some revolving around the theme of Autumn. Have a look at our photos…
We made Autumn Frames using cardboard and tiny woodchips. The children then decorated the frames with Autumn Leaves.
We learned a poem called “Duilleoga Deasa” in Irish and completed a collage of Autumn leaves in various colours.
In Science, the children were divided into groups and given a bird to research. They were looking for information on the internet and in our class library and then recorded their findings. We learned lots about the magpie, the robin, the thrush, the swallow and the owl. Here is a picture of our mini-project on our class wall.
In Maths, we completed a traffic survey just outside the school grounds. We recorded our results on a giant graph in our classroom. The children were disappointed that not many tractors passed the school!