Tag Archives: wandesforde

Summer Activities in the Senior Room!

The summer holidays are here! It has been a busy May and June in the Senior Room between the school tour, ice-cream in the sun, amazing projects and sports day. Have a look at a snippet of what we have … Continue reading Read More »

Posted in Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, History, Irish, Our Work on Display, Physical Education, School Outings, Science, Senior Classroom, Sports, Visual Arts | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Funky Kids Show

On Friday 25th March, we hosted our third Funky Kids show. Denis and Olivia from the Funky Kids Club  visited the school every Friday for ten weeks and showed the children how to make their own costumes and taught them … Read More »

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We Love Wandesforde

We Love Wandesforde – Three Cheers! Read More »

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Middle Classroom – Learning how to bake biscuits

Miss Dennehy tells first, second and third class about what they are going to bake. Read out all the ingredients carefully. Hold that sieve steady! Who knows the answer? I do, I do, I do! A spoon of this and … Read More »

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We have a lot of sports equipment in our school. Some days when it is dry and sunny we take out the skittles and soft bowling ball and play games of bowling and skittles.  It’s a lot of fun. I … Read More »

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