Wandesforde Primary School, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
Our School is under Church of Ireland management. It is a community where all the pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of sex, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning. Moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nourished and developed. Justification of these qualities is based on Biblical teaching and encouraged by the Church. Our school is part of the church community and has strong links with parishes in our catchment area. Pupils attend services in their respective churches and the local Rector visits the school on a regular basis. The work of the school is carried out in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious beliefs and differences. Pupils of other faiths will be considered subject to meeting criteria as outlined in admissions policy. Religious education takes a central position in the school curriculum and is a core subject. Generally speaking all pupils attend religious education classes. The teaching of religious doctrine is restricted to specific times when the need arises. Freedom of thought and a personal relationship with God are carefully nurtured. The teaching of religious education and the prayer life of the…
Fundraising events are held throughout the year and are organised between the Principal and the Parents Association. We usually do a bag packing session in Dunnes Stores in the autumn term and this Christmas we also had a small stall at a Christmas fair in Castlecomer. Traditionally,a school fete was held this year but in 2010 this was replaced with a sponsored cycle. All the children (from 1st -6th class) cycled a 4 mile route with some parents and a local cycling club, again with some parents, cycled a 30 km or a 100 km route. Other parents held the fort back at the school and had a barbecue ready for all the hungry and thirsty cyclists. As there was such a wonderfully celebratory atmosphere at this event, it will be repeated each year. Fundraising monies are usually spent on the children, for example, it funded external trainers to come in each week and teach the children soccer and basketball. It will also partially fund the Funky Kids Drama sessions.
Aims: To encourage children to eat healthy lunches To promote the importance of a balanced diet To develop good eating habits at an early age To eliminate pressure on parents from children who are demanding costly snacks for lunch and breaktime To eliminate junk foods At the Wandesforde National School we see the value of healthy eating as one area of an overall healthy lifestyle. With this in mind teachers, pupils and parents are encouraged to take on board some of the following points when preparing school lunches. Bring lunches that: are high in fibre, low in fat, low in sugar and low in salt provide a variety of foods from the Food Pyramid Do not contribute to tooth decay help reduce litter from school grounds Suggestions for healthy lunches: sandwich, roll, bread, crackers, milk water, fruit juice, scones plain buns, brack, yoghurt yoghurt drinks, fruit, vegetables, popcorn, flap jacks Food not recommended: sweets, bars fizzy drinks, crisps chip sticks, Pringles (or similar) not allowed: peanuts chewing gum drinks containing alcohol Wandesforde National School through these guidelines aims to help all those involved in our school community, children, staff and parents, in developing positive and responsible attitudes to eating and…
Definition: – Bullying is repeated aggression – verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against others. Principles: – The School promotes qualities of social responsibility, tolerance and understanding among all its members, both in school and out of school. The school acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual and his/her worth as a human being. The school acknowledges the right of each member of the school community to enjoy a secure learning environment. The school disapproves of vulgar, offensive, sectarian or other aggressive behaviour by any of its members. Staff members share a collegiate responsibility to act in preventing bullying / aggressive behaviour by any member of the school. Parents have a crucial role to play in the promotion of good behaviour, and in developing a sense of self-respect for others, in their children. Co-operation and communication between home and school are essential elements in preventing and dealing with bullying. Positive Strategies Teachers can influence attitudes to bullying behaviour in a positive manner through a range of curricular initiatives e.g. The R.E. Curriculum provides an opportunity to promote good behaviour and to discuss with the children strategies for dealing with bullying behaviour. The Stay Safe programme will also…
Tadhg is so so proud of being School Star of the Week 🙂
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Tadhg is so so proud of being School Star of the Week 🙂