October with 4th, 5th & 6th Class

October has flown by and the boys and girls in the senior room have been busy completing lots of work in different areas. 6th class spent some time cooking delicious potato wedges for us all.

Well done boys, they were yummy! (Thanks to Mrs Dooley for all her help!)

In geography and science we spent a very interesting afternoon exploring rocks and fossils with Una Halpin. We discovered lots of new information about rocks and soils in the local area and had fun finding different fossils in the rocks.

In art we worked on colour, mixing our own secondary colours of purple, orange and green. We etched designs into the paint and then made these colourful owls.


For Hallowe’en we made these bright and colourful fireworks.

On Friday we had a dress up day, we also had a very nice treat when some spooky cupcakes were very kindly sent in by Majella, they disappeared very quickly and were delicious!!!

3 thoughts on “October with 4th, 5th & 6th Class

  1. The costumes look great and I enjoyed looked at all the artwork when I was in. No excuses from Will now when I ask him to cook next – strange he didn’t mention he’d been cooking ;0)
    Really looking forward to the Funky Kids show

  2. Lovely work again this month Senior Room and Ms. Power. I really like your owls! The potato wedges were also delicious and they went down a treat in my classroom 🙂 Thank You!

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