School Tour 2018!

We had a great day by the seaside and then bowling on our school tour this year. The Junior and Middle Rooms went to the Hook Lighthouse where we climbed 115 steps to the top! We heard lots of interesting information about why and how the lighthouse was built.

Here we are in the Watch Tower where the lighthouse keepers worked in years gone by.

The first lighthouse keepers at the Hook Lighthouse were actually monks and we saw where they lived in the tower 800 years ago!

The view from the top!

Later on we had an art workshop with resident artist Rose. We made colourful 3D scenes on slates.

We were treated to a magic show by our guide Noel, somehow the water in the jug just would not pour out on any pupils, however the teachers were not as lucky!!!

Poor Ms Hall!

The Senior Room went coasteering along the rocks near the lighthouse. They had great fun exploring and jumping into rock pools.

Before we left the Senior Class joined us for a picnic in the grounds of the lighthouse.

In the afternoon we came back to Kilkenny and went bowling, finally we had chips and pizza before heading back to school after a great day!

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