- To encourage children to eat healthy lunches
- To promote the importance of a balanced diet
- To develop good eating habits at an early age
- To eliminate pressure on parents from children who are demanding costly snacks for lunch and breaktime
- To eliminate junk foods
At Wandesforde National School, we see the value of healthy eating as one area of an overall healthy lifestyle. With this in mind teachers, pupils and parents are encouraged to take on board some of the following points when preparing school lunches.
Bring lunches that:
- are high in fibre, low in fat, low in sugar and low in salt
- provide a variety of foods from the Food Pyramid
- do not contribute to tooth decay
- help reduce litter from school grounds
Suggestions for healthy lunches:
sandwich, roll, bread, crackers,
milk, water, fruit juice,
scones, plain buns, fruit brack,
yoghurt, yoghurt drinks,
fruit, vegetables,
popcorn, flap jacks
Food not recommended:
sweets, bars
fizzy drinks,
crisps, chip sticks, Pringles (or similar)
not allowed:
chewing gum
drinks containing alcohol
Wandesforde National School through these guidelines aims to help all those involved in our school community, children, staff and parents, in developing positive and responsible attitudes to eating and to appreciate the contribution that good food makes to health.
Cans and glass bottles are not permitted for safety and litter reasons.
Lunch-boxes: We encourage people who prepare school lunches to eliminate the use of tinfoil and so reduce litter in the school.
Children will take home the waste e.g left over food and lunch wrappings.
Nutrition: what people eat is known to be one of the key factors influencing the health of school children. The taught curriculum provides an opportunity to teach about food and healthy lifestyles.