The Irish Famine

For the past few weeks we have been learning about the Irish famine. We found out that half of the population of Ireland either emigrated or died. All of the potatoes died from blight and people sometimes had to eat grass and nettles. 1847 was the worst year of the famine, knwn as ‘Black ’47’….


Our Open Day is being held on March 16th 4.30-7pm. The Senior classroom will be hosting their annual coffee evening and cake sale. Parents and prospective parents are welcome to come and browse around the school, see the current displays of classwork and art, enjoy a coffee, purchase a home made cake and chat with…

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Wandesforde National School Wandesforde National School is a three teacher school. Rebuilt in 2007, it offers wonderful facilities and resources in a traditional stone building with plenty of grounds for parking and playing.  Located in Castlecomer in North Kilkenny, it is within a short walk of Castlecomer Discovery Park which provides fabulous opportunities for lots of…