We Love Wandesforde
We Love Wandesforde – Three Cheers!
Wandesforde Primary School, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
This week is National Tree week. In assembly Miss Wilson talked about trees and we planted a Rowan tree in the school grounds. The oldest person in the school (Aron) and the youngest (Zach) helped to plant the tree. We said a poem about a tree. It was a lovely assembly.
This week we are all trying to use Irish as much as we can and we are also trying to get our parents to speak a few ‘cupla focail’ at home.
Making spring daffodils in the Middle Classroom With spring slow to arrive with snow and frost forecast, the Middle classroom decided to make their own daffodils and create their own bright springlike display. Using paints and egg cartons, they painted the egg carton shapes and stuck them to their paintings which were prepared earlier.
Miss Dennehy tells first, second and third class about what they are going to bake. Read out all the ingredients carefully. Hold that sieve steady! Who knows the answer? I do, I do, I do! A spoon of this and a spoon of that …. Give it a stir and make a wish 🙂 Would…