King Midas and the Golden Touch

During March, the Infant Classroom learned about the Greek Myth, King Midas. They drew a picture story of what they had learned from the story. Here are some picture stories!! King Midas was so greedy at the start of the story. He made a wish asking for everything he touched to turn to gold! By…


Swimming Lessons for all children commence on Wednesday, 4th May for the duration of 8 weeks, finishing on Wednesday, 22nd June. The children will travel by bus from Wandesforde school to Graiguecullen Swimming Pool in Carlow. Parents are welcome to come to the pool to help with changing or to watch how their children are progressing. At the end of…

Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day     Mother’s Day was on Sunday April 3rd. Last week 4th, 5th and 6th Class made colourful spring flower pots for their mums.