Wandesforde NS Sponsored Cycle

A Charity Cycle for Wandesforde NS in Castlecomer will take place on Saturday 11th June 2011.  All are welcome to come along and support this worthy cause!  Details are as follows.  Registration will take place at the school from 9.30am and the cycle will begin at 10.30am.  The cost is €20 per adult and is…

Water Birds of Ireland

4th, 5th and 6th Class have been learning all about various water birds which live in Ireland. They read about gannets, cormorants, herring gulls, oystercatchers, dunlins, mute swans, whooper swans and bewick’s swans. They wrote  information about each bird and drew illustrations to go with their work Some of these birds live in Ireland all…

Easter Art in the Infant Classroom

During April,  the Infant Classroom learned about the artist, Vincent Van Gogh and his painting, “Sunflowers”. As an art appreciation lesson, the children all made their own  picture of “Sunflowers” using oil pastels. They did fantastic artwork and really showed off their artistic talents!! Designing their own Easter Bags for the Easter Fairy Cakes was another art activity for the children The children…