- by Davina Wilson
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Games Playing Day at Wandesforde National School
On Friday, 28th October 2011, the children in Wandesforde National School participatied in National Board Games Day and raised €120 for St. Vincent de Paul. Well done to all the children for taking part in another successful board games day and for helping raise funds for our chosen charity. Here are some photographs of the children…
- by Davina Wilson
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October Activities in the Junior Room
We’ve had lots of fun this October in the Junior Classroom. In P.E. we learned our “Step 123s” & “Hop 7s” in Irish Dancing with Ms. Doran In Art, we made our own pine cone squirrels and a collage of autumn leaves In S.P.H.E. we learned all about Fire Safety and made great pictures using Fireman Sam!…
- by Susan Peavoy
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Hallowe’en Fun in 2nd & 3rd Class
We really enjoyed doing lots of art and craft for Hallowe’en in our classroom. We made some masks using feathers, glittery paper and Hallowe’en shapes. Can you guess who’s hiding behind them? We also made some chocolate apples covered in hundreds and thousands. It was great fun! The finished product… We also made Frankensteins with…
- by Susan Power
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Happy Hallowe’en!
It has been a busy few weeks in the senior classroom. We have been doing lots of work on the topic of Hallowe’en. In English we wrote essays on Magical Spells and Scary Nights. In art we made sparkling fireworks from kitchen rolls and splatter painted a colourful background. In Gaeilge we read a story…