A warm welcome back to everyone after the Christmas break!  We hope you enjoyed our Christmas play, Carol Service and party in the school before the holidays.  The Carol Service raised a wonderful €237.79 for Castlecomer District Hospital.  Many thanks to all who gave so generously!  Thank you to the Parents’ Association for the lovely presents for teachers and staff and to all the parents who helped out at the party and especially for the lovely food and treats given to the children.  We have a busy few weeks ahead of us in Wandesforde National School.  Soccer lessons with Dwayne Wilson will conclude in 2 weeks time.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills and playing soccer every Monday with Dwayne.  We thank him for all his hard work with the boys and girls!  On 1st February, the children will begin basketball lessons with Joe Byrne for a period of 7 weeks.  We are really looking forward to having Joe back at the school again this year!  Well done to Rebecca and Will for winning prizes in a recent colouring competition.  They each received a selection box, a nice treat after the holidays!

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