Welcome back from 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!

Welcome back everybody from 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!  We have all settled in very well to our work since the 27th August.  Have a look at what we have been up to over the past 3 weeks!

In RE, we have discussed the theme of “Belonging”.  To show that we are part of God’s family, we each handprinted leaves on a large tree and wrote our names in marker.  We also read a poem about belonging to various “families”, in school, at home and in other aspects of our lives.

In Science we have been learning about Volcanoes.  We created our own volcanoes using lots of different materials, such as cotton wool, glue and paint.  We then used the end of a paintbrush to create the lava exploding from the crater.  In Music we learned a song about a volcano called “Popocatepetl”.  We had great fun re-creating the explosive sounds a volcano makes using body percussion…

In English, we wrote about the fun and activities we got up to over the Summer break.  The children also drew super pictures highlighting their favourite part of the holidays…

In History, 1st and 2nd Class have been learning about their families and they had to design a crest to depict what was important in their family’s life.  Some families enjoy sport, some cooking, some farming and some the outdoor life.  Have a look at their great designs…

In Art we discussed colours that work well together and colours that clash.  The children had to colour in Jolly Jesters.  This took a bit of time and effort as there was a pattern to follow in each part of the jester.  Don’t they look really well on the wall?

And finally, we got to pick our potatoes!  We had a really good crop this year.  The senior classes very kindly cut the potatoes and we had delicious wedges for our lunch.  They were yummy!

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