November News in the Junior Classroom!

During November, the Junior Classroom have enjoyed learning all about the weather in SESE. We have been busy recording the daily weather on our weather chart!

 We also made some beautiful rainbows to brighten up our classroom this Winter, using rolled up coloured crepe paper and cotton wool!

In SPHE, the children have been learning about “Feelings” They expressed their feelings of anger, sadness, happiness and fear using various colours and lines 🙂

During the month, the children investigated 2D shapes in Maths. In support of this, they traced around some 2D shapes and using a ruler they joined them to a vanishing point!

Didn’t they do a fantastic job!

In English the children have been learning many letters again this month. For the letter “w” the children designed their very own “Woolly Winter Hats”

The children also designed and experimented with their own helicopters in Science to see which fly the best and why.

We discovered that the smaller the helicopter, the quicker it reaches the ground first. The bigger the helipcopter, the slower it falls! 🙂

In support of literacy in our school, the children went on their first trip to the library in Castlecomer this school year! The children particularly enjoyed the storytelling workshop.

Thank you Mary!

The children also got the opportunity to explore the library and pick some books to bring back to our classroom library!

Finally, we have been very busy practising our songs and preparing our costumes for the Funky Kids Show in December.

Here is just a sneak peek of some of our creative efforts!!

We are all looking forward to the Funky Kids Shows and we hope you are too!! See you all in December 🙂

One thought on “November News in the Junior Classroom!

  1. Great work Junior and Senior Infants! I like your rainbows! You all seemed to be enjoying Mary’s storytelling in the library

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