Wonderful Work in the Senior Room this Winter!

November and December have been busy months once again for us all here at Wandesforde. 5th & 6th Class have been working so hard in all subject areas.

In Religion, the children designed a front cover for the Gazette Magazine Front Cover Competition

The children engaged in a Biodiversity Workshop with Michele Castiaux through the Heritage in Schools Schemes and created their own Biodiversity Maps of our school environment. They did a fantastic job and learned so much!

They also engaged in a History Workshop on Anglo Norman Castles with Lisanne O’ Loughlin and Steve Mandal . They learned so much about Kilkenny Castle and constructed their own model of Kilkenny Castle in response to all they had learned.

In Maths, the children covered many topics including Lines and Angles. They designed their own Stained Glass Windows using a variety of lines and angles.

During November and December, the children explored various forms of poetry in English. They created their own Haiku Poetry, which is a Japanese poem consisting of 3 short lines.

They also did Diamante Poetry in December. These are diamond shaped poems which are made up of seven lines using various parts of speech.

The children have been reading the class novel, Under the Hawthorn Tree by Marita Conlan McKenna which explores the theme of the Irish Potato Famine. The children learned lots of interesting facts about the Famine whilst reading this novel.

In SPHE, the class engaged very well in activities relating to the topic of Friendship. As a whole class activity, we established that the 3 most important qualities of a friend for us all are: Optimism, Thoughtfulness and Loyalty.

They also came up with their own Healthy Friendship Statements and drew illustrations to depict these statements!

In Gaeilge, the children continued to learn lots of new vocabulary and phrases. They created their own illustrations of many phrases they had learned. In advance of the “Seó Bréagán” le Ryan Tubridy, the children designed their own “Geansaí Nollag” Rinne siad jab iontach!

The Digestive System was also explored in Science. Did you know that your body can move your food through your digestive system even while you are standing on your head?! It is not connected to gravity and it happens because of the muscles in your digestive system!!

In Art, we sketched owls using chalk and chalk pastels.

In preparation for Christmas, the children designed their own Christmas card,

A Winter Wonderland Scene….

and Clay Christmas Trees.

We also created our own Class Cookbook as a gift for our families. We hope you enjoy the many tasty treats inside!

Finally, we produced our own Class Calendar for 2021 for our teachers and our homes!

As always, well done and thank you to 5th & 6th Class for all your hard work. This has been a very busy and different term for us all and we have worked so hard together. Enjoy your well deserved Christmas Break and I look forward to hearing all your news and seeing all your wonderful work with Ms. Róisín Nolan in 2021! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Wonderful Work in the Senior Room this Winter!

  1. Wonderful work 5th and 6th class! You have been so busy:) I love your Christmas jumpers and your owls using chalk and chalk pastels. I hope you all have a great Christmas and you too Ms. Wilson! Wishing you all the best for January. 🙂

  2. Great work Seniors! The Christmas jumpers are so festive looking! Thank you for the calendar you made for the staff 🙂

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