Wonderful Water Art Competition!

During the last two years we have been working hard to attain our 3rd Green Flag based on the theme of water. With this in mind the Green Schools Committee decided to hold an art competition for all classes based on saving water at home and in school. Here are the competition entries.

Junior Room


Middle Room

Senior Room

Well done to the winners from each room who received a set of watercolours as their prize. Well done also to all the boys and girls who drew, coloured and painted such wonderful water saving pictures!


One thought on “Wonderful Water Art Competition!

  1. Thank you Ms.Power and all the Green Schools committee for your hard work and efforts over the past few years. There is so much involved in this programme and we all appreciate the time and work you have put in:) 1st , 2nd and 3rd Class really enjoyed drawing pictures for this competition and all the entries are wonderful. Well done everybody!

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