Winter Wonders in the Middle Room!
Since our return from our enjoyable Christmas break, the children have been very busy in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class in all subject areas! In English, we wrote about what we got up to over the festive season!
In Gaeilge we are learning all about “Caitheamh Aimsire” or hobbies that we like to partake in. The children drew pictures and wrote sentences as Gaeilge!
In SPHE, we are looking at the theme of friendship as we are reading “Charlotte’s Web”. The children discussed various qualities a friend should have and wrote them on leaves. We displayed them on our “Friendship Tree”.
In Maths, the children were given the challenge of creating pictures using a number of squares. The results included robots, planes, rainbows and snowmen!
In Science, we completed an experiment to see which material was the best insulator, cling film or a cotton tea towel, when place around a cup of warm water. The children had to predict the result and take the temperature at various intervals. The cling film was the winner!
In Art, the children created “Winter Woodland” scenes…
We also created “Under the Sea” scenes on paper plates….
Well done on all your hard work over the past month!