The Wandesforde Chicks have Arrived!

There has been huge excitement in and around the school following the delivery of 6 eggs from Nore Valley Farm almost 3 weeks ago!  Each day the children have been watching the incubator and waiting patiently to see if the eggs have hatched and the chicks have cracked their way through the shells!

On Monday morning, the 15th May, we were delighted to lift the insulated box and find 2 of the eggs had hatched!  Over the next 24 hours, we have welcomed 3 more chicks.  They need lots of warmth to dry out after coming from the egg but once they were dry and fluffy, some children helped transfer them to the box where they have lots of space to run around!

We are now waiting on the final egg to hatch!  If you are near the school, pop in to meet the chicks.  The children in each classroom have to decide on their names now…..We will keep you posted!