Summertime Fun in the Junior Classroom!
Both May and June have been very busy months for Junior and Senior Infants. We started off the theme of summer by making our own Beautiful Butterflies using metallic and pearlescent paints!!
In English, the children enjoyed listening and responding to a selection of fairytales. Didn’t they do a great job drawing their favourite fairytale?
We have been busy learning “Time” in Maths and in response to all our hard work on the topic, we made our own “Clock Creatures!”
In SESE, we conducted a traffic survey outside our school. We discovered that cars are the most frequent form of transport through our town and silver is the most popular colour too! The children worked in pairs to mark off their form of transport every time it passed!
In Art, the children made their own “Twirling Ladybirds” which we hung up to show off their swirls and twirls!!
The children enjoyed learning lots of new songs in Music too! They even made their own paper plate maracas filled with pasta, rice and lots of other materials to create different sounds to play along to the beat and rhythm of many songs!
In History the children talked about their families and their homes. In light of this, they drew their own family inside a lollipop stick home!
We also drew pictures in response to our school tour at Dunmore East Adventure Centre. You can see from our pictures below that there was archery, caving and kayaking involved!!
Finally, just before our holidays, we made Father’s Day ties in Religion to acknowledge people in our lives who are father figures to us. The children modelled these ties which we hoped would be worn for a short while on Father’s Day!
A final big thank you this school year to all the children in the Infant Classroom who have worked so hard all year. You have been a pleasure to teach and I hope you all have a well deserved Summer Break! See you all back at school in August!