Spring Madness in the Senior Classes!
Spring has come and gone and the Senior Classroom were in full swing during the very busy months of March & April!
In Art, the children engaged in a still life drawing of daffodils and produced artwork Vincent Van Gogh would be very proud of!

In History, the children participated in a local library project entitled “Hobbies Long Ago”. They interviewed a family member, friend or neighbour on this topic and complimented their work with a photograph. These mini projects will be on display in Castlecomer Library during May.

In Maths, the children played “Beetle Drive” as a small group activity!

They also explored the area of 2D shapes and symmetry and engaged in practical work identifying lines of symmetry in various shapes.

In SESE, the children explored aspects of the water cycle as well as types of fish in our rivers and lakes. They made their own 3D fish to support this area in their books!

In Religion, the children explored Prayer Writing and composed their own prayers on the topic of World Issues

Letter writing both formal and informal was taught in English during Spring. The children wrote formal letters to their favourite authors and informal/penpal letters to their Finnish Penpals!

In Geography, the children completed mini projects on a chosen county in Ireland. They had to research the names of rivers, towns, landmarks as well as other areas of interest in their county.

During Spring, we celebrated Mother’s Day. The children made their own pop-up cards and bookmarks for their loved ones.

We also celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and the children made their own colourful shamrock pictures using chalk pastels.

They also composed their own Limerick poems in English on the theme of being Irish!

In P.E. the children actively engaged in field hockey and enjoyed playing it outdoors too!

During the month, we were delighted to be part of the Ireland AM documentary which was broadcast from the Discovery Park. The children really enjoyed their moment of fame on television with their school 🙂

In preparation for Easter, the children designed our Easter Coffee Morning Posters

They designed a poster on the theme “Caring for God’s World” for the Bishop’s Art Competition.

The children worked with clay in Art and made their own colourful egg cups!

Finally, in Religion the children made their own paper plate craft depicting the events of Holy Week

Well done Senior Classes for all your hard work during the lead up to our Easter holidays!!
One thought on “Spring Madness in the Senior Classes!”
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Wow thats a lot of really fun and interesting things you’ve done this Spring boys and girls! I loved looking at all your great work! Daffodil still lifes are stunning.