Spring is in the air in the Junior Classroom!
February and March have been very busy months with lots of celebrations to prepare for as well as all our usual hard work in curricular areas!
At the start of the month, the children decorated their own St. Brigid’s Day Cross in response to work covered in both Religion and History.
In History, the children explored the traditions of the Chinese New Year. They enjoyed making their own monkeys to celebrate 2016, the Year of the Monkey!
The children also made their own Chinese Lanterns!
On the 9th February, the whole school celebrated Pancake Tuesday by having a Healthy Breakfast together with pancakes and other healthy breakfast options! Mmmmm!
In Geography, we made our own Weather Dials to support our work on weather.
The children enjoyed a trip to our local library to return books and choose some more books to bring back to our classroom library!
In Gaeilge, we explored the theme “Bia” and to support our work, we designed our own “Ciseán Picnic”
The children made their own Noah’s Ark in Religion in response to work covered on this biblical story
In assembly during the month, we had some unexpected visitors which really put a smile on the children’s faces. Thank you to Jackie Neale for bringing in Seán the lamb, Rasher, the puppy and Annabel the rabbit!
We celebrated Valentine’s Day on the 14th February and the children worked so well at making their own “Explosive Hearts” using wool!
For Mother’s Day on Sunday, 6th March, the children made their own colourful paper bouquet and card.
In P.E. the children have been learning how to play Unihoc. They particularly enjoyed playing “Sharks” and “Snatch the Bacon!”
They even got to practise their hockey skills in their costumes for World Book Day which we also celebrated at the start of Book Week in our school!
Before our Easter Holidays, we were very busy writing our Easter Cards to our Finnish Penpals and we also had to complete our entry for the Bishop’s Poster Competition. The theme this year was “1916: Rethink, Re imagine and Reinvent.” The children drew pictures of family and school life 100 years ago!
Finally in Art, the children made their own “Leaping Leprechauns” for St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody. Enjoy your Easter Holidays and we’ll see you all back at Wandesforde on the 4th April!