Spring has Sprung in the Junior Room!

Junior and Senior Infants have been as busy as ever in the last few weeks. In play we learned all about The Farm. We had fun making animals in Play Doh, planning and making farms in the Sand and Small World. We also made items in Junk Art and went outside to create farms as well as building barns in Construction.

Making farm houses in Junk Art
Creating nests and homes for farm animals in Junk Art.
Building barns in Construction
Building farms outdoors
Making puzzles based on farms.

We learned lots in SESE about the season of Spring and various things which happen during this time of year. We read books and watched videos learning about this season and wrote some things which happen in Spring.

We learned about the Life Cycle of Chicks and made life cycle pictures.

We read the stroy “What the Ladybird Heard” which takes place on a farm and mapped the route the thieves took on the farm.

We also went on a nature walk to Castlecomer Discovery Park and spotted some signs of Spring. After we had some fun exploring and playing in the playground.

For Mother’s Day we made finger paintings and poems for our mums.

Junior Infants continue to learn their numbers in Maths and made Number 5 pictures.

In English we learned a Spring rhyme about daffodils drew illustrations to go with it.

We went outdoors and used chalk to practice sounding out and writing different words associated with farming.

In Art and RE we learned the story of Easter and created paintings based on this story.

Also in Art we created colourful St Patrick’s Day rainbows and shamrocks.

Finally, after 10 weeks of fun playing games, learning songs and creating costumes it was time to perform our Funky Kids Show! The pupils had a great day performing and watching their friends in other classes performing too.

5 thoughts on “Spring has Sprung in the Junior Room!

  1. Fantastic work juniors.
    Well done.
    Enjoy ur well deserved Easter hols… teachers and pupils !!

  2. Amazing work everybody and such lovely photos! I hope you are all enjoying the Easter break so far!!

  3. Great work Junior and Senior Infants! I really like how you mapped out the route the thieves took in the story, What the Ladybird Heard. It’s one of my favourite stories to read!

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