Spring Fun and Games in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

February has flown in the Middle Room!  We have been very busy learning lots of new things and now you can have a look at all our work!

To mark the start of February, we read about St. Brigid and her life as a Christian.  We coloured in pictures of her cloak…..

Chinese new Year was on the 5th February and this year is the year of the pig!  We read a story about how all the animals were picked to be part of Chinese New Year and made dragons, as these are a huge symbol in Chinese culture.

We read a poem called “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth.  We discussed the many verbs, adjectives and nouns in it and then decorated it!

In Maths, the 2nd class are learning all about 3D shapes and had to design hotels using all the shapes that we learned about!

We created colourful peacocks in art using metallic colours…

The children in all classes completed projects based on topics of their choice.  They did a wonderful job presenting them to the class.  Here are some pictures of their work!

To mark Pancake Tuesday, we enjoyed a few pancakes with our favourite toppings, kindly made by Mrs. Dooley and distributed by the Senior pupils.  Thank you all very much!  They were delicious!

We also welcomed Eileen Canny to the school to do a River Study Workshop with the children last week.  The children explored the river bank and woodland area at the end of the school property and despite the rain, had lots of fun!

Well done on all your hard work boys and girls!

2 thoughts on “Spring Fun and Games in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

  1. What a great month of work. The projects look really interesting. Well done, everyone.

  2. Great work everyone, I really enjoyed reading all your projects and the peacocks were lovely and bright in the corridor!! ?

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